BIOEQUA Skin Detoxifying Solution

BIOEQUA “Skin Detoxifying Solution” aim to remove impurities for more radiant, healthier skin.

How Toxins Affect Your Skin
Toxins, like free radicals, chemicals from pollution and smoking, can prematurely age your skin. They may contribute to aging, wrinkles, age spots, and uneven color.

How Your Skin Gets Rid of Toxins
The circulatory system delivers oxygen and nutrients to skin cells and takes away wastes. Sweat gets rid of water, but not harmful substances.

Insufficient blood supplyis a common problem in damaged skin and multiple research and studies have demonstrated that blood supply improvement increases
wound-healing rates, prevents infection and restores skin function. In this respect, it is important to note that, according to many studies, PEF promotes blood flow through the treated area up to 60 minutes after the treatment.

Skin flushing, or blushing, happens due to increased blood flow. Whenever more blood flows to an area of skin, such as your cheeks, the blood vessels enlarge to compensate. This enlargement is what gives skin the “flushed” effect.

Due to this increased blood flow, you may feel warmth around your neck, upper chest, or face.